How to Charge Your Crystal Jewellery Under the Super New Moon on Feb 9th and The 10th Feb Lunar New Year 2024

How to Charge Your Crystal Jewellery Under Moonlight | Supermoon and Lunar New Year 2024

Crystal jewellery is a popular way to complete your outfit with the beauty and energy of natural crystal stones. Crystals have different meanings and properties that are said to enhance your mood, health, and Spirituality. Some people also believe that crystals can be charged with the power of the moon, especially during special events like super new moons which will happen this month on Feb 9th followed by the lunar new year on the 10th. In this post, we explore how these Spiritual events are related to crystal jewellery and how you can charge your crystals using the power of the moonlight.

Super New Moons and Crystal Jewellery

A super new moon is a full moon that occurs when the moon is at its closest point to the earth, making it appear larger and brighter than usual. Super new moons are said to have a stronger influence on the tides, the weather, and our emotions. Some people believe that super new moons are the perfect time to set new intentions, make changes, and manifest your dreams.

Crystals are also affected by the moon’s cycles, as they are connected to the Earth’s energy. Crystals can absorb, amplify, and radiate the moon’s light and power, making them more potent and effective, especially during this time. Some crystals that are especially aligned with the moon are moonstone (our new collection will launch in the summer featuring this gorgeous stone), selenite (we have some gorgeous homeware pieces launching in the summer), labradorite, and opal. These 4 crystals can help you tap into your intuition, creativity, and femininity.

To charge your crystal jewellery under a super new moon, you can follow these steps:

  • Cleanse your crystals before the super new moon by rinsing them with water, smudging them with sage, or burying them in salt.
  • Place your crystals on a windowsill, balcony, or outside where they can receive the moonlight. You can also arrange them in a grid or a circle for more synergy. (I love this)
  • Set your intention for your crystals and ask the moon to bless them with her energy. You can also say a prayer, chant, or affirmation that resonates with you.
  • Leave your crystals overnight or until the moon sets. You can also meditate with them or do a moon ritual if you wish.
  • Retrieve your crystals and thank the moon for her charge. You can also cleanse them again if you feel the need.
  • Wear or use your crystals as you normally would, and enjoy their enhanced vibration and benefits.

Lunar New Year and crystal jewellery

Lunar New Year is a festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year based on the moon’s cycles. Different Asian cultures have their names and traditions for this holiday, such as Chinese New Year, Seollal, or Tết. Lunar New Year is a time to honour our ancestors, reunite with family, and wish for good luck in the future.

Crystals can also help you celebrate and prepare for the lunar new year, as they can attract and amplify the qualities and energies of the new year. Each lunar new year is associated with a zodiac animal and an element, which can influence the personality, fortune, and compatibility of the people born in that year. This year, in 2024, the lunar new year will fall on Saturday and is the year of the Dragon. The dragon is a symbol of power, strength, and courage with its elements being wood, which represents growth, flexibility, and creativity.

Turquoise Jewellery by Xander Kostroma
Turquoise Jewellery by Xander Kostroma
Gold Tone Chunky Hoop and Aventurine Heart Earrings by Xander Kostroma
Gold Tone Chunky Hoop and Aventurine Heart Earrings by Xander Kostroma

Some crystals that are suitable for the year of the Dragon are jade, aventurine, and turquoise. These crystals can help you harness the dragon’s energy and the wood element’s qualities, as well as balance and harmonise your chakras. You can also choose crystals that correspond to your own zodiac animal and element, or the ones that you feel drawn to.

To charge your crystal jewellery for the lunar new year, you can follow these steps:

  • Cleanse your crystals before the lunar new year by rinsing them with water, smudging them with sage, or burying them in salt.
  • Place your crystals in a red envelope, a red cloth, or a red box. Red is the colour of luck, joy, and prosperity in many Asian cultures, and it can enhance the energy of your crystals.
  • Write your wishes, goals, or resolutions for the new year on a piece of paper and place it with your crystals. You can also add coins, bills, or other symbols of abundance and success.
  • Keep your crystals in a safe and sacred place until the lunar new year. You can also meditate with them or do a new year ritual.
  • On the lunar new year, open your crystals and thank them for their charge. You can also cleanse them again if you feel the need.
  • Wear or use your crystals as you normally would, and enjoy their positive influence and blessings.

A Divine Connection with the Moon

Crystal jewellery is a wonderful way to connect with the moon and the lunar new year, as well as to express your style and preferences. By charging your crystal jewellery under moonlight, you can enhance their beauty and power, and align yourself with the natural cycles and rhythms of the universe, embracing her power.

Happy super new moon and lunar new year everyone!


Xander & Co.




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